Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patricks Day

I want to wish all my Irish and honorary Irish friends a Happy St. Patty’s Day from Kazakhstan! I have only seen one place that recognized the holiday today~ it was Chelsea English Pub. Of course, they were native Kazakhs who didn’t speak English, but they were wearing green hats. Got to love it!

Today, the weather went up to the 20’s. I can’t believe how warm it is here compared to when I first arrived. The city is preparing for another holiday that is coming up soon, which I will talk about later. There are lights and huge flower decorations up everywhere. I have actually gotten to like the city, especially at night. I realize that may come as a shock to some (yes, the tree hugger actually said she liked the city), but there is always something going on. Tonight, I walked to what we call the pizza mall. It is really called Semei Tempore Mall. In the middle of the mall, it has an open area with tables and a bar and it serves really good pizza and beer. I had dinner with a couple from Northeast Philadelphia who is adopting a 1 year old girl. Walking home after dinner was so nice. There are lights on all the buildings~ kind of like Christmas lights decorating the buildings. The ice and snow that is starting to melt during the day becomes an ice rink at night. I love to walk at night and watch the city move. I know what some of you are thinking~ that I am looking at the lights and not paying attention to my surroundings. Not true- I am aware of what is around me….. I swear. I do have some street smarts (no laughing!)
Tomorrow is the bad day….no visiting Juliana. I think I will do some shopping to fill my time. Today was a crazy day in the playroom at visiting. There were 7 families and their babies in one relatively small room. It was crazy with all the people and toys. It was fun to see all the babies interacting and it is always great to be with your fellow cohorts. Juliana is getting a cold again. It goes through the rooms… someone always has a runny nose. She is still all smiles and wants to be on the move. She has much to explore and people to see. She likes to be very busy. I can’t wait to bring her home so everyone can meet her.
After visiting, Zukra and I went to the National Museum. It was really interesting and had a lot of artifacts from the early days of Kazakhstan. They also had a yurt, which is a dwelling the looks like a tent that was made of leather and camel hair. The tapestries that they made were incredible. It also had a display of WW11 from the Soviet Union perspective.

I heard that there is some bad weather at home. I hope everyone stays warm and I hope the ice doesn’t stay around long. Thank you for following along and giving me encouragement during my stay here.

Do svidania
Good bye

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