Monday, February 18, 2008

Valentines Present

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

It was one year again today when I boarded a plane heading towards a dream. What I remember thinking about most that night was 1) why I was leaving in a terrible ice storm (premonition of the weather to come?) and 2) was anyone going to be there when I landed? I honestly had no idea where I was going to stay, who was going to be at the airport and how was I going to manage once I got there. Well, fast forward one year and all those questions are just memories~ part of a bigger story. I can't believe that time has gone so fast. I can still picture the day that I met my princess for the first time. It was the day after I landed in Astana. I was jet lagged, tired and overwhelmed.... We were sitting in the director's office, the door opened and in walks a quiet caregiver carrying a tiny baby. Even so young, there was something special about this little girl. She was so alert and wanted to take in everything. She somehow knew that something speical was happening and didn't want to miss a thing. Once I held her in my arms, my life changed forever. It must be what it is like when mothers hold their babies after giving birth.
Again, fast forward one year..... the baby who couldn't sit up by herself when I met her can now run, climb and jump. While at an indoor playground, another mother commented on how more physically advanced Juliana was compared to her bio son (a month older). Inside I just smiled....little did she know how far she has really come in one year.
As a celebration of our first meeting, we went to the Crayola Crayon Factory in Pa. along with Michele and Juliana's friend, Galina. We stayed overnight and the girls had a great time swimming, running in the halls and playing.
Juliana is starting to talk more... she is imitating alot of words. She continues to be very outgoing. However, now she not being a team player. She is starting to be pushy when she doesn't get her way. It is a phase and once she is reminded that hands are for hugging not hitting, she is fine! All in all, she is just a wonderful little girl. She has a zest for life that alot of people could stand to emulate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AH!! What wonderful memories...a whole yearful (ha)! I am so grateful that you have each other. You are both exceptional people, and I am so thrilled that you are together.

The Anasazi GM