Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Day

Tomorrow is one of the days that I have been looking forward to…. I finally get to take Juliana out of the babyhouse~ the only home she has ever known~ into a new life. The end of my 15 day appeal period ended today. The routine of my 2 hour visiting will become a thing of the past~ a memory of the beginning. This routine has been a part of us for the last 6 weeks, but today is the 35th and final time that I will ever take the walk down the hallway from the playroom to the nursery and kiss her goodbye~ tell her that I will be back tomorrow ~that I love her and leave her for the next 22 hours. In some ways I will miss that time together…. It holds many memories; laughter, new friendships, baby’s firsts and uninterrupted time. However, I am anxious to start a new journey and I am anxious to go home.

Tonight, Trish and I went out to a place called Farhi for dinner. It is a very nice restaurant that is shaped inside like a yurt (a really nice yurt). The food was fabulous and they even made cosmopolitans. It has been snowing all day today and it has gotten very cold again. However, it is a vast improvement over what we have been experiencing here. There is so much mud and muddy slush and muddy lakes in the streets, everything is brown from the cars to the sidewalks. Well, it is not all brown... there was still plenty of snow left, the ground is still covered with old snow. The new snow just makes everything look so much better. Of course, because it is colder (it was 15F last night), the mud is now frozen and uneven…. walking is interesting. I am looking forward to spring weather. Could you order some for me when I get back to the states?

Juliana is doing very well. She is learning new things everyday and shows promise of a climber. She can almost pull herself, which I am sure she will accomplish anyday now. In the past 6 weeks, she has gone from not being able to sit up on her own to standing unassisted. I am amazed at the spirit of these children. How love and attention can allow them to catch up developmentally in such a short time. I am honored to be a part of it.

I must go for now. I wish everyone well at home. Thank you for being part of my journey. I love reading your comments and appreciate everyone who sends their encouragement.

Paka Paka


Gail said...

Congratulations on your big day tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

Today is the big day!!! Congrats. We promise to have warm weather waiting for you when you come home!

Anonymous said...

Oh Elise I am sitting with my baby reading your words, tears on my face. She is so lovely, you are so brave-- welcome to motherhood. Trish-- keep them both safe! The flowers will be in bloom when you all get home... XO Mara

sandie said...

Congratulations on your big day! The weather here is warmer and less muddy. The flowers are blooming so there is alot more color. The Easter Bunny will be here soon, and we pray so will you!