Thursday, March 1, 2007

More Names

How can one little girl have so many names? It was found out recently that my baby girl has yet another name! I would have thought that all the names that may have been associated with her would have been made known before she was available to be adopted. However, within the past few days, a new name has surfaced. Apparently, her birth mother named her Aruzhan....... some crazy person at the hospital (not my words) decided she should be named Aida and put that on the birth certificate. I come along and name her Juliana. How is all this to be made right again? With the amazing team I have here, I have no doubt they will set the record straight. I honestly don't want to know how they will do it. However, I have decided on the name we are going home with......Ready? Drum roll.......
Juliana Aruzhan........I really liked Aruzhan ~ it means beautiful soul in Kazakh. I think it sounds beautiful. Anyway, that was a big drama here for a bit and we have until tomorrow to make it all fit.

I will be starting day 15 of bonding soon and that will mark the end of the first milestone. I can't believe I have been here for 2 weeks. I am learning alot about the culture here and some of the old wives tales. They are very big on keeping the babies warm... I mean very warm. They layer so many clothes on them, that they are usually sweating. Juliana was sick the other day and they gave her a ? Tylenol ?supp. and I was told to keep her flat for 50 minutes.... Ok.....
They also feel that if a woman's legs are exposed to the cold, it will cause infertility. I know they are obsessed about wearing a hat and I get yelled at by the older women when they see my without one. Considering that last night it -26F, they may have a point! I have never felt cold like that. It hurt to breathe. It didn't stop Kim and I from walking to dinner at Samovar~ it actually gave us an excuse to drink to forget about the inhumane temperature outside. Probably not one of our best ideas!

I hope everyone is well at home. I really miss everyone!

Paka Paka


Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story with us. She is such a precious little girl. Keep us posted and enjoy your time with Juliana. We look forward to your safe return and can't wait to see you and Juliana. Please visit us here at work when you get home.

Carrie Sullivan

Chris & Christy said...

I love it, I love your daughter's name and I love that you kept her birth mother's given name using it as her middle. :) I too hope that I can keep her birth name if possible!!! Aruzhan is beautiful! Sorry if I mispelled!

As promised, tonight i am drinking my wine and diligently reading your blog. :)

Thanks for sharing, hopefully soon I too will be traveling to meet my daughter!!!


Anonymous said...


I adopted my daughter in Uralsk, Kazakhstan, and she was also named Aruzhan. I decided to keep her name because I liked it very much. But, as I am french, I wrote it the french way, "Aroujan".
Email me if you want
Your daughter is really cute